Sunday, 21 April 2013

The Flight

I am sitting on the plane bored to death and I am only 8 hours into the flight with another 6 hours to go. I used miles to book my ticket and had to go for premium economy as there were no economy class tickets using miles at the time. It was a good move as there are only 3 passengers in my little area of about 20 seats so I have plenty of space to move around and have been stretching doing some bench (seat) dips and push-ups etc to try keep the blood flowing and burn of some of the calories from the fat laden food.

Minter is on the same flight with Sonja (his wife....and decidedly better half) and his 3 kids ranging in age from 9 months to 9 years old. I was complaining to him that i am bored as there are only so many movies you can watch and sleeps you can have. I am not sure if it is a language barrier issue (his first language is Afrikaans), but he did not seem to fully comprehend my problem or offer the expected level of sympathy. Perhaps he was distracted by his baby crying. Fortunately for me they are back in economy class, however, he keeps trying to escape and has managed to break through the class dividing curtain a number of times to come visit. I am thinking of telling the very attentative gentleman who is my flight attendant (I should have worn my wedding ring) that Minter is harassing me and should be banned from the area.

My plan for the week is just to take it pretty easy. I have found a group of cyclists who ride on a Tuesday morning near my folks place so I will definitely join them for a spin but my left knee is still bothering me a bit so I figure that it will probably do me more good than harm to take the extra days off.

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